ABA Halifax
ABA Halifax is dedicated to growing the field of Applied Behaviour Analysis in Halifax Regional Municipality and beyond. We strive to provide information and resources, support and guidance for families seeking services, and learning opportunities for service providers.
We look forward to connecting with you!

What is Applied Behaviour Analysis?
Applied behaviour analysis (ABA) is a discipline concerned with the application of behavioural science in real-world settings such as clinics, schools, and industry with the aim of improving socially important issues such as behaviour problems and learning (Baer, Wolf, & Risley, 1968).
ABA Halifax is a resource to access information about applied behaviour analysis in our community.
Please note, ABA Halifax is meant to be a network of resources for service providers and interested consumers. While some practitioners listed may provide private services, ABA Halifax is not an employer or private company.
For specific consultative services, please email one of the providers under the "Our Community" section of this website. You can also email info@abahalifax.com
Certified providers are also listed based on location at www.bacb.com